Recruiting Now

Macrobiotic Healing & Wellness Hands-On Internship

You Can Heal You…one meal at a time

Franklin, TN
Do you seek a pathway to gain confidence in your abilities and knowledge through practical application of  macrobiotic lifestyle and healthy cooking? Start your Macrobiotic Healing & Wellness Hands-On Internship at You Can Heal You…one meal a time  (; more than 25 years established practice of Virginia M Harper, author of Controlling Crohns Disease the Natural Way. Opportunity to work directly with Virginia’s clients in multiple capacities; residential program, facilitate workshops, serve as assistant in hands on cooking classes, Mobile Macro Meals Club (MMMC) program and more. Get hands-on practice in nutritional healing techniques for various conditions.  Encouraged to design your internship by submitting an outline of your personal program areas of interests. A 3-month commitment (time adjustment considered) with a minimum of 32-hours/week (work week consists of 5 days) required. Two macrobiotic meals provided weekly.  Must have own transportation and insurance. Option for room and board on premises available upon request with fee.  Submit your letter of interests and availability to: Virginia Harper, Founder and Executive Director, You Can Heal You 

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