January 2018

Happy New Year everyone! There is something refreshing, hopeful and enthusiastic about a “new” anything. The energy that the word “new” carries gives power to possibilities and imagination. New can also be a refreshment of the old or continuation of something already established. When I look back at 2017, I am amazed, and filled with gratitude, for what got accomplished in my personal life as well as my work, including the fruition of many projects and intentions as well the sprouting of seedlings.
My personal focus is always on my heath -without it nothing else can move. The phrase that has become my mantra, which I am taking with me into 2018 is “to flourish you have to nourish”.
Self nourishment on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It’s not always all at once-and it’s not to ignore the others as you take care of one. It needs to be a synergistic flow to create the whole. Do you hear a new years resolution coming on? Let it be… self care at all levels whatever that may be for you.
My work is my passion and the heart of what drives me. When this calling was put in my  lap over 30 years ago, I new it would take my focus and dedication. I also new it would take a team of people that were moved by the same passion.
So, as the first day of January takes flight, I am excited to announce that here at You Can Heal You we have a great team and programs to support you.
http:// www.youcanhealyou.com/meet-us/
We listen to your needs and are constantly adjusting and expanding to help you have the most successful healing experience to create life long health.
Consistency in practice brings on steady improvement and success. Ok –I snuck another resolution in here.

Please review our schedule for this month and get your “new” on!
We have added more:
team support
theory and concept classes for beginners and advanced
individual and group cooking classes in person and online
online group support through 3 Facebook groups
community activities through social potlucks and collaborative workshops
coaching: individual and group
information on our websites www.youcanhealyou.com and www.mobilemacromeals.com

May this year bring you everything and nothing….everything that will help you become the best you can be and nothing that will stifle your process!

My best,

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