Cooking Class JAN 2018

The Holiday Rush is over and we are left with the bliss of good food, family fun and social activities that both excite us and exhaust our energy reserves.  The body also uses fuel in order to keep us warm in the cold weather. Its time bundle up those kidneys!
The main energy reserve is our kidneys. The kidneys play the main role of filtering our fluids by removing waste from our blood, breaking down protein and managing our energy. The kidneys our or main power center due to the influence they have on the adrenals and hormone system.

On Saturday January 6th, you have the opportunity to begin the year with self care!  I will be joining Ryoko Suzuki to give an all day workshop focused on kidney care. The workshop will focus on how to Power Up your kidneys through proper foods that support kidney function, breathing and stretching exercises, massage, teas and warmth to help adjust kidney energy.
You will learn:
The influence kidneys have on hair loss, tired adrenals and hormone imbalances and insomnia.
The emotional components that are influenced by kidney energy.
The secret of food combination in order to warm and nourish kidneys.
The influence winter season has on kidney energy.
The importance and delicate care kidneys require for life long health.

Power Up with information and demonstrations on how to best care for your kidneys.  You can not flourish if you don’t nourish

Sign up today and commit to starting the New Year with Power!

For details and registration go to:

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