February 2018

As I wrap up 2017 and review my 2018 intentions and resolutions, I have learned non-judgmental acceptance. Acceptance that everyone is on his or her own personal journey of self-care and self-love. As a macrobiotic counselor and teacher, I get enthusiastic over a person’s ability for total healing and I find myself wanting it sooner than they are ready to accept it. There is responsibility with accepting yourself, loving yourself and caring for yourself.
February usually known as the month of love as is indicated on the 14th,
Valentines Day.

It gives us an excuse to remember and appreciate those in our lives that enhance and make our existence richer with their presence. From simple gestures to elaborate proclamations nothing says I love you as does attention and care.

This month I want to encourage you to dedicate that love inward. To truly appreciate who you are and to acknowledge that there is only one YOU that occupies this space right now in this lifetime. That thought alone, awakens the desire to make the best imprint of YOU.
I know for me, it means that to be the best me I have to feel the best me. Feeling healthy and vibrant always allows me to present my best self. I am grateful for living in a time of a health and self -awareness revolution!

One of the ways I like to present my best self and spread the love is by cooking and eating with friends and family. It inspires me to stretch my palate and creativity.

Join me this month as I inspire you with two cooking techniques to add to your repertoire for this year.
One is the Japanese art of Nabe cooking. A simple and delicious way of preparing a light yet warming dish.
Second is the American Instapot . A hearty meal prepared in the convenience of a slow cooker with a timer.

Both are fun to share so cook for you, cook for a friend…spread the love.


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