Save the Date: Oct 2017


(date changes may occur but will be posted monthly)

1st Healing Series
17th Seasonal Cooking Class: See Menu Below
17th Macro Friends Potluck
23rd Macrobiotic Winter Conference Evening Lecture-Presented By: Virginia Harper
30th MTSU LecturePresented By: Virginia Harper
9th Seasonal Cooking Class and Macro Friends Christmas Party

Seasonal Cooking Class

Celebrate Thanksgiving with no waistline or digestive regrets!

November 17, 2017
9:30 am- 12:30pm
Lunch will be served

No other time of year focuses on cooking and food more the Thanksgiving holidays!

It’s a time for family and friends gatherings to focus on eating! Just thinking about the food makes your mouth water. It shouldn’t be any different if you have decided to take a healthier path. If its one thing that I’ve learned in my 38 years of preparing and eating healthier meals for myself and many, is that healthy can be delicious.

This is one of my favorite cooking classes to teach because its a treat for you and palate pleasing surprise for your guests.

Join me in this festive class and taste the results.

Festive Menu:
Cream of Squash with seasoned pumpkin seeds
Millet and Chickpea Dressing with Shitake Gravy
Kale salad with Cranberries
Apple Pie


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